Wed 6th November

The evening brings sporadic reports that Mark McGhee’s reign at Clowns’r’us is about to end. 

Teletext and local radio offer unsubstantiated reports and suggest more news will follow soon. 
Thursday 7th November. The morning brings the confirmation that the fun is temporarily over as Muggy departs Dingle Central.  Mutual consent apparently i.e. Do one and we’ll pay you to keep quiet.

When Robbie and Stevie turn up (together) they are shocked to be told the news from the local news crew.  I suspect that the teletext is much too complicated for a simpleton like Stevie and we know that Robbie is only allowed to use the remote when under the supervision of a grown up.

Colin Lee is installed as caretaker while the search begins and he insists the Muggys good work will not be wasted.  Good man.  The Express and Star editorial states that it is wolves birthright to be in the Premier League and that they are not a sacking club.  Point 1 -  There isn’t an English Premier League, it is the Premiership.  Point 2 - Who was their last manager who voluntarily resigned?